Why work at Hosta? “If I had understood earlier what our culture and technical capabilities are, I would have made the decision even faster.” Heetika Gada, Master of Computer Science from Columbia University and Computer Vision Engineer at Hosta. “You know, the market...
Building the Next Generation Property Tech Company
Building The Next-Generation Property Tech Company A large part of working with the built environment is assessing your spatial surroundings several times a day. On a small scale, your brain might process most of the spaces automatically. However, what happens when...
The Cost of Ignoring A.I. in Your Property Assessment Process
The Cost of Ignoring A.I. in Your Property Assessment Process Innovation in the built environment is moving faster than ever. With the World Insurance report estimating that 95% of customer interactions will be A.I. enabled by 2025, integrating A.I. into the property...
Using A.I. to Accelerate the Residential Insurance Underwriting Process
Using A.I. to Accelerate the Residential Insurance Underwriting Process The process of underwriting a residential property hasn’t changed much over the past few decades. Insurers today are more likely to leverage a network of third-party assessors and contractors. And...
How Artificial Intelligence like Hosta a.i. ReThinks Property Assessment
How Artificial Intelligence like Hosta a.i. ReThinks Property Assessment There are 155 million buildings in the U.S.And every one of these buildings rotates through a natural cycle of being sold, financed, insured, renovated or remodeled, rented out, and eventually...
Growing Your Contractor Business With A.I. Automation
Grow Your Contractor Business with A.I. Automation Currently, the contracting industry is encountering two major sources of friction that make it hard to grow profitably. Labor Shortages Before the pandemic, construction companies were already reporting difficulties...

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